Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The One Week Warning - House Returns

This Week in the People's House (Day after Labor Day Edition)
Tuesday, September 7th
By Bobby Frederick

One week from today, the House will be back in session for a sixteen day sprint leading up to the 2010 Midterm Election which is exactly eight weeks away. Rumors are swirling that Democrat leadership may give away the first week in October, resulting in just 11 more days on the House Calendar.

Items left on the House (and Senate) to do list include what do to about the Bush tax cuts, (former Obama Budget guru says extend them), the estate tax, and a continuing resolution on remaining appropriations measures.

The House is likely to consider a resolution in response to an August District Court ruling that federal funds cannot be used on stem cell research. The House could also consider a resolution on Chinese currency manipulation. Food Safety policy and childhood nutrition funding are also relatively non-controversial items the House could further pursue.

With rumors swirling that Democrats may forego a week's worth of session to give their vulnerable members more time back in their districts, there is simply little time to get things done.

Current Balance of the House is 433 members: 255 Democrats, 178 Republicans and 2 vacancies (NY-29 & IN-3). Republicans need to pick-up 39 seats to take control of the majority in the House.

Big News

August Employment Numbers: 54,000 jobs lost, 67,000 jobs added in the private sector, unemployment rate rises to 9.6%.

On Labor Day, President Obama announced a six-year, $50 billion investment in transportation and infrastructure. Democrat Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer, has indicated this funding is unlikely to pass before November. On a related note, as of August 27, 2010, $275 billion of the $787 billion stimulus has NOT been paid out. The "Recovery Act" was passed in February of 2009.

Attorney General, Eric Holder, has filed a civil suit against Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The sheriff is known of his tough stance against illegal immigration. Civil Rights groups have accused him of discrimination and the federal government says Arpaio has been uncooperative in their investigation.

The People's House Political Extra (56 days until the 2010 Election!!!)

Larry Sabato (UVA Political Director) looks into his Chrystal Ball and sees Republicans picking up 47 seats in the House. Labels this a "conservative estimate".

Charlie Cook gets paid the big bucks to predict the outcomes of elections - and right now Cook sees 75 D seats in play and no help on the horizon for the party in control in the House.

Numbers from new WSJ/NBC poll:

-The Good (for Democrats): Democrat party viewed favorably by 36% polled - Republican Party viewed favorably by just 30%.

-The Good (for Republicans): Class of voters "most interested" in election prefers an R Congress 53% to 35%.

-The Ugly (for incumbents): 56% of all voters believe it is time to give someone else a shot at representing them.

-The Netural: 43% polled prefer a Democrat controlled Congress and 43% polled prefer a Republican controlled Congress.

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