Happy Memorial Day
Current Balance of the House : 255 Democrats, 177 Republicans and 3 vacancies (GA-9, NY-29, IN-3).
H.R. 5136, The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, introduced by Congressman Ike Skelton (D-MO).
This year's 692 page defense policy legislation authorizes $759.6 billion, mostly for Fiscal Year 2011. This includes $33.7 billion in FY 2010 to fund the surge in Afghanistan and $159.3 billion in FY 2011 funds for war operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and other terror operations.
A 1.9% pay raise for military personnel, $20 billion for base construction and $7.9 billion for troop protection in the form of countermeasures for IED's and up-armored vehicles is also included.
The President would have to provide a plan to Congress before transferring any Guantanamo detainees. $10.3 billion is for missile defense and additional $11 billion will go toward the development of 42 new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft.
The Rules Committee ruled in order 82 amendments for H.R.5136. Sixty-eight of these amendments were packaged together en bloc, which is a non-controversial ,time saving maneuver where numerous amendments can be considered at one time and usually passed by a voice vote . There were 9 en bloc packages for H.R. 5136.
Originally, Democrat Leadership wanted to pass a $200 billion measure, but objections by some rank and file members on the price tag forced changes. Shortening the unemployment benefits extension by one month, addressing the doc fix for 19 months (rather than 48 months) and dropping COBRA health insurance subsidies, trimmed the spending to $113 billion.
Democrats split the measure in to two votes. The first vote contained the tax extenders and passed 215 to 204 (Voting Yes- 214 D's & 1 R : Voting No- 34 D's & 170 R's). The second vote was on the "doc fix", which was accepted 245-171 (Voting Yes- 230 D's & 15 R's : Voting No- 15 D's and 156 R's).
The Senate left town before these measures were passed and the current extensions for the "doc fix" and unemployment benefits will run out while Congress is in recess. The Senate could consider these measures the week of June 7th.
The third time proved to be the charm for Democratic leadership intent on passing this bill before the recess. After pulling the bill the week of May 10th when a Republican Amendment passed and watching a scaled back measure fail on the Suspension Calendar during the week of May 17th, Democrats used a rare parliamentary tactic known as "dividing the question" to force 9 separate votes on the measure while preserving the five-year, $85.6 billion authorization level for science and research programs.
Other Big News
BP's latest effort to reign in the oil gushing in the Gulf, "TOP KILL", has failed and the spill could continue until August. Late Tuesday (6/1) the Justice Department opened up a criminal investigation of BP.
The People's House Political Extra
May 25, 2010 revealed another Primary upset as state lawmaker and tea party favorite, Raul Labrador, bested Vaughn Ward who had been heavily backed by the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC), 47.6% to 38.9% in the Idaho Republican Primary. Labrador will take on Democrat Congressman Walt Minnick in November.
6/8/2010- Another super Tuesday as Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota & Virginia hold their Primaries. Arkansas will also hold its run-off on this date.
Next Week in the People's House-
When the House reconvenes on June 8th, it is likely to consider an $84 billion emergency supplemental funding bill that contains money for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, relief to Haiti and Pell Grant Funding.
The House could also consider H.R. 5175, the Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections Act of 2010, introduced by Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)